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Vysra the goddess of the hunt is primarily worshipped by the woodland races and rangers, but many who have been lost or travelled the wild places have called upon this goddess to protect them on their travels. This goddess has not specific temples rather everywhere the tress grow tall and the grass grows thick are considered holy places by her followers. Though followers of the hunt, Vysra’s worshippers promote conservation, they do not kill birds and beast for sport. They kill for survival, food to eat and skins for clothing. 


Goddess of the Hunt


High Priest: None/Unknown
Champion None/Unknown 
Symbol: A single arrow


Faith Benefits:


Rank 1:
Rank 2: Tracking Expert: the follower may now track anyone no matter what abilities or skills they have used to cover their tracks (must have all 3 ranks of tracking to use this)
Rank 3:
Rank 4
Rank 5: Prize target 1x a Day: When tracking a specific target(big boss) the hunter gains +1 damage for every hour that they have been tracking the creature up to 3 hours, this damage may only be inflicted on that creature no others (this requires a lot of role play constantly checking for tracks, studying the tracks and gaining a better understanding of the creature in question that will make you a more effective hunter

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