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The Crew of the Lucky Sealion

WANTED! Crew for the new and improved lucky Sea Lion Trading Co.


Ethos:  The fine and upstanding merchants and sailors of the Lucky Sea Lion Tarders are in the business of acquisition and sale. The Lucky Sea Lion Trading Co. aim to provide the finer things in life to everyone even those that live in the darkest corners of Naesil. y sea  lion will help turn


Abilities: Minor: from living most of their lives on the sea the crew of the sea lion gain the stand and steady skill for free! If already purchased may utilize for 1 less Aether


Major: terror of the sea: may make target terrified of the sea


Material: A fixed hand: May roll 1 d10 at beginning of adventure and gain the number rolled in pennies from gambling wins.


Disadvantages: Must follow all orders from ranking crew members



Captain: The Captain

First mate: Sly Hawkins

Second mateXit

Third mateopen


Must never attack or steal from a member of the crew penalty for such an act is death.


All earnings of the crew must be put into communal pot then split according to rank ( this will be done fairly) if you do not surrender your earnings please see above.


How to Join: Speak to the Captain or one of his officers

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